-- 1. Select all columns from the Authors table SELECT * FROM Authors; -- 2. Select only specific column from the Authors table SELECT AuthorID, AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName FROM Authors; -- 3. Filtering with WHERE Clause SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE AuthorLastName = 'Smith -- 4. Sorting with ORDER BY (Ascending) SELECT * FROM Authors ORDER BY AuthorLastName ASC; -- 5. Sorting with ORDER BY (Descending) SELECT * FROM Authors ORDER BY AuthorLastName DESC; -- 6. Limiting Rows with LIMIT SELECT TOP 5 * FROM Authors; -- 7. Combining WHERE and ORDER BY SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE AuthorLastName LIKE 'S%' ORDER BY AuthorLastName; -- 8. Aggregate Function with GROUP BY SELECT COUNT(*), AuthorPhone FROM Authors GROUP BY AuthorPhone; -- 9. Using Aggregate Function with WHERE SELECT AVG(salary) from Employee where JobID = 1 -- 10. Select Distinct Values SELECT DISTINCT AuthorPhone FROM Authors; -- 11. Select with NULL Values SELECT AuthorID, AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName FROM Authors WHERE AuthorPhone IS NULL;